This was by far our busiest and funnest Halloween yet! We visited four pumpkin patches, went to three Halloween parties and wore more than one costume;) The kids had so much fun dressing up, carving pumpkins and eating their weight in candy;)
They were both chomping at the bit to go trick-or-treating Halloween night, the sun could not set soon enough. Don’t you remember that feeling as a kid?? It was just the best! They both filled their candy buckets to the brim, and Brooklyn may or may not have swiped several full size candy bars from various houses;)
Growing up my mom always made my Halloween costumes, it was something we both looked forward to every year. I have always preferred the look and creativity of handmade costumes. Although, I consider myself crafty, sewing is not my thing. Luckily, my mom is a very talented seamstress. She has made Brooklyn’s costume for the last three years and this years “Dorothy” costume may be my favorite yet.
Brady wanted to be a superhero again this year, shocker!;) I wouldn’t even know where to start with making that kind of costume, so Costco to the rescue!
I had fun dressing them up as a lumberjack and a deer when we were up at the cabin one weekend. I used clothes and accessories we already had so it was super easy to put it together. I made the antlers with felt and some sticks and flowers I found behind our property. I love the way it turned out, best of all it only cost about $2 to make!!
Every holiday just gets better and better with these two!